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HAppy Birthday Chen XI!!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

We Just wanna Wish CEHn XI a HAPPY birthday!!!!
REally Great knowing you and Having you in
our midst. COntinue to Grow and LOVE GOD even MORE
MAy all your wishes Come TRUE
LOVE, E267

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{8:55 PM|

Friday, September 28, 2007

hey for all those peeps having exams out there, jia you okay? study hard and PRAY hard okay?
Lets shine for GOD in our schools kayy? go study!! :D

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{10:34 PM|

To all Having their Exam!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dear Students,

Here to Wish you guys all the best for your Examination..
Trust in the Lord, Lean on HIS strength and Understanding .
FOR He will place you the head but not the tail.
Jia YOu!!!!!!

E267 will keep u in Prayer...
God loves you and E267 Loves you tooooo :)

Love, Yen

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{1:06 AM|

Cell Group Photos!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{4:56 AM|

A literal MOONcake presented by Debbie

For those who missed the mooncake festival celebration, this is to whet your appetite! Debbie presenting to everyone their masterpiece!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{4:48 AM|

HOSANNA - Hillsong United

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I just updated to the latest worship that was sang in church yesterday. Hosanna by Hillsong United, taken from the album: All of the Above.

The lyrics is beautiful! The song may not be written or compose by ourselves but when we sing to God and we really mean every word we sing, the entire song becomes your own worship to God. The very first time, I sang the bridge, there's this part goes: break my heart for what breaks yours, I really meant what I sang. That moment, I'd decided to get deeper with God! I really want to know what's in the innermost of God's heart and feel the way God feels. God brought to my remembrance, hey it's time to be preoccupied with the things of the kingdom!

Here is the lyrics, enjoy!


I see the king of glory
Coming down the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes, the whole earth shakes
I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing, the people sing

Hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna in the highest

I see a generation
Rising up to take the place
With selfless faith, with selfless faith
I see a new revival
Staring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees, we're on our knees

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what is yours
Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{6:54 AM|

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Journey through this phase of my life @ |{2:57 AM|

Lantern fest!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{2:15 AM|


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Just to inform u all, the study @ CHANGI resumes this sunday. Lets meet at 9am at CHANGI AIRPORT MRT. If u all want a change of venue, pls inform me.

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{9:42 PM|

For your information

If currently you have your personal account with blogger and keep logging in and out of blogger just to post an entry here, I have a piece of good news for you! You can save all the troubles doing that.

Step #1: You need to do is log in blogger using the original user id and password.

Step #2: Go to "settings".

Step #3: Click on "permissions".

Step #4: Under blog authors, click on "add authors".

Step #5: Type in your email address which is the same which you use to log in blogger for your personal blog.

Step #6: Click on "invite". This is the last step!

You can save all the hassle from logging in and out of blogger. Have fun posting!

Please note: As a blog author, you are ONLY allowed to post entry in the blog. You wont be able to edit the layout of the blogs and so on. You would need to log into the admin account in order to do so. (:

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{3:21 AM|


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Attention!!! Attention!!
What's NEW going on??? Check this out!
MOONCAKe FESTIVAl celebration on Friday, 21 Septmeber 2007

There will be Refreshment, Riverside Games, Moive Screening and MORE
Here the details for the Event:

7pm: Refreshment
730pm:riverside GAMEs
845pm: movie Screening
And more........

Things to bring: Paper Lantern, Candles and Lighters

COme on! Lets reach out to the CHINESE Nationals As well as
our FRIENDS!!!!!! Lets bring along at least one friend to this event...
Go GO GO Jia YOU :)...

John 4:35
Do not say"There are still four months and then comes the harvest"? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already WHITE for HARVEST!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{8:51 PM|

Flashback at Christmas Land 2006

See Eugene Leong & Qianjun fight it out!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{8:05 AM|


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Encouraged by one of the leadership file i received... here it goes
Head Down, Straight Ahead.
'Head down' means I'm unbothered by what the others are doing.
It means I'm personally doing the best I can on my pathway.
It means I'm not anxious about what others are thinking.
It means I'm pre-occupied with what I'm doing not what others are doing.
'Straight ahead' means I stick to my course.
I don't keep changing when it doesn't work the way like I thought it would.
I remain undistracted from tempting turn offs in the road.
Head Down, Straight Ahead!
Stick to the plan

Actually i'm always encouraged by all the leadership file i received..

i like this Sentence:
'Straight ahead' means I stick to my course. I don't keep changing when it doesn't work the way like I thought it would.

How in our life, we met with failure
BUT we know that we got to stick with the vision and dream that we had.
Even though there are times, things dun work out well for us..
We are still PRESSING on! :)
Cause we know With Him all things are POSSIBLE... :)

Share with u guys my testimony:
I have been real bless....... I mean financial Blessings..
Hehe... I always looking forward to Sat.. cause i wanna give my tithe.. Lol
Then the following week, i will Have MORE MORE MORE money coming in..
YAhoo... Lets have a good time later Tc care guys

Love, Yen

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{1:33 AM|

Love For People!

Friday, September 14, 2007

A new commandment i give to you, that you love one another; as i have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

John 13:34-35(NJKV)

LeonZai In da House!

Amen and amen :) lets really have love for people and show them the love of christ!
Bringing them 1 by 1 into the house of god to let them feel the presence of god first hand.

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{2:26 PM|

The resurrection power of God!

When you are tired - I will give you rest!

When you are weak - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

When you feel unloved - I love you with an everlasting love!

When you feel you cant go on - My grace is sufficient for you!

When you felt that you are nothing - You are MORE than a conqueror!

When you are lost and confused - He will direct your paths!

When you feel sick - by My stripes, you are healed!

When you're worried and anxious - Cast your all cares upon Me!

When you dont think you are smart enough - I will give you wisdom that will surpass all your understandings!

When you're lonely and frightened - I will never leave you nor forsake you and lo, I am with you even to the ends of the age!

If you put your life in Jesus' hand and you rely on the resurrection power, NOTHING can ever devastate your life! Your tombstone will become your new starting stone. Your stumbling block will be your stepping block! Your disappointment will be your new appointment! Your crucifixion will become your resurrection! The same power that raised Jesus from the dead can raised your "dead" dreams and visions! Keep on keeping on!

Cheers! (:

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{4:44 AM|

Look who's dancing! ;)

This was the cheer for winning team, E267 at Pulau Ubin Outing on 5 Sep 07, Wednesday. For your rememberance and joy...

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{3:23 AM|


Open for suggestions till 23 Sep, Sunday MIDNIGHT and we'll take a poll for the Awards name! How do we load a "poll-meter" on the blog? Go figure peeps. PSssst: This group pic is nicer than the current one on blogskin ya? Can we change it puleaseee...

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{12:21 AM|

Jessica loves Starbucks&Donuts (a lot).

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Helloooooooo! Yippee my first post. Don't you all just loooooove my cat (hahahaha, view to the right). FYI his name is Oreo. K that's very random. &Also, Gwennon sounds soooooooo good on Tan Peng, don'cha think? (TP dare you erase this) :) :) :)

Anyways! My turn for the suggestion! :) My suggestion is.. #1 SOUL-BOOSTER AWARD'07! Yaaaaaay. Meanwhile I'll try to think of another one that would top it :b

Okay I'll leave off with my favourite verse(s)!

Isaiah 40:29-31
He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{11:03 PM|

here here here. :)

my suggestion would be...
"The Choicest Booster"
hmmm.haha. jasmine my english not that good la.
but i will think of a more sophisticated one.

Meanwhile, all brainstorm! tataa.


Journey through this phase of my life @ |{9:20 PM|

My Suggestion!!!!!!!!!!! :)

My suggestion.. WAd about "The Ultimate Exhortor"
sounds Weird... DEbbie huang come on THINK!!
YOur english is Powerfull Lol..

Love, yen

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{7:12 PM|

Study @ SUNDAY :D

Hey people, there will be a study outing on SUNDAY :D For all those peeps whose examinations are coming, this is the perfect opportunity for you guys to come study! We're meeting at 9am at changi airport. We probably going to terminal 1 Burger King.

If you're interested, tell me :D If you got friends, BRING BRING!! Shilin said that this is the perfect opportunity to know the new friends in natural non church places! Pls try to confirm with me by sat. If you need any extra materials, tagg on the blog and we'll try our best to find for you!

Please try to come kay? Even for those not having exams, you can come and give us moral support! People like tanpeng!

Suggestion #3: FRIEN-courager!

shilun :D

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{7:00 PM|


I know who post all the entries by photos! Haha!

Okaes.. suggestions! Suggestion #2: The ULTIMATE Encourager!

It reminds of the the coffee bean drink.. Hahaha!! Keep the ball rolling!!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{6:42 PM|

E267 BEST encourager! Who will it be?

The competition has begun!
Who will emerge as E267's Best Encourager?
For 2 weeks, every member of E267 will be running for the prestige of this title.

This is the season for Music Awards ceremonies. Singapore Hits Awards, MTV Music Awards, Global Chinese Music Awards and the list goes on... E267, lets jump into the flow! We are flexible people eh? Not to say very relevant too! Heh heh... So... shall we give our Award a name too? Suggestions suggestions pls!

Let me start the ball rolling...

Suggestion #1:《2007最佳鼓励者奖》

PS: Am i allowed to run for this Award too?

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{5:06 PM|

transcendent mindset

Failure is NEVER fatal.
have the fighting spirit!

Phil 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

love, deb.

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{2:18 AM|

New BLog for E267

Monday, September 10, 2007

Guys, Sorry.. I temporary put this pic first.. We will take a cg photo den i will cHange it...
Alright... I will give u guys the password and username .. Take from me k..

U can post your revelations that u receive from God...
Anything u feel like Sharing with the cell, u can just post...
Alright.. Enojy... Let the bonding Begin... Lol

Enjoy... Remember get the user and password from me personally...
Pls PLs... dun give out any of it to other people... Only for E267 people.. Thanks

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{8:25 AM|


About The history Makers

    E267 is A Group of youth that is on FIRE and PASSIONATE for the things of GOD. We welcome all of you to join this wonderful group of loving people


Please Bring your Cell Group funds!

Cell Group meeting as usual!

New Bible Study classes is up! Please let Jialin know if you need new class.



Shilin: 13 Dec
Jasmine: 22 Aug
Eric: 9 June
Leon: 21 July
Melissa: 3 dec
Meijun: 24 Jan
Jon: 13 Oct
Ming yang: 11 Jan
Lucas: 18 Oct
Candice: 19 dec
Tingya: 26 july
Suki:7 june
Melo: 30 Nov
Eugene: 7 Sep

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