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Vote If you want a NEW CG blog

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hey mates , i've been developing a new blog w/o u guys knowing and i was wondering if you all would like to move over to that new blog ( The URL address shall remain as of course but the content of it will be of the new blog.

Ill open up a poll to see if you all wanna move to it after looking at it :)

CLICK HERE to look at the new blog :)
P.S The polls will end in a week. =)
Cheerios ,

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{11:49 PM|

The Fourth Dimension

Monday, October 29, 2007

Speaker: Pastor Kong
Date: 27th October '07

This may SEEM very wordy, but open up your spiritual eyes and read yea!

The Fourth Dimension

In life, there are 3-Dimensions..
just like there 2 axes on a graph paper creating a 2-dimension space,
there need 3 axes to create a 3-dimension space like our world..
these are the first 3 dimensions:

1. time
2. space
3. matter

what most people don't realize however,
is that this 4th dimension, which is in fact more important,

4. the realm of the Holy Spirit

It is said that, for with the heart we believe unto righteousness. This is because our heart is limitless and timeless.

Just as there are rules that govern the first 3 dimensions, there are 4 rules that will govern the 4th :::

Proverbs 23:7

You will move in the direction of your thinking.
Our minds can only focus on one thing at a time, which means
FAITH & FEAR cannot co-exist at the same time.

example 1: if you are a student, and you keep thinking that you will fail, then you definitely will.
example 2: the more you think that you are unloved and not cared for, u will repel people.

♥ Therefore, we must put on the mind of Christ to have our thoughts in line with God's Word.

♥ It is very difficult for people to conceptualize that SUCCESS and CHRISTIANITY can go hand in hand. Often, it is thought to be a Christian, one must be very very poor to seem holy!

♥ However, when referred to the Bible, we see that the heroes of faith were all very prosperous! That is, of course, as long as you walk close to the Lord.

Luke 9:12-13 - shows that Jesus was not neither destitute nor poor. He was able to pay for his staff and families in need.

♥ Do not have a defeated mindset; we all must change: The God that we serve is with great wealth and prosperity! Do not think that He will not or cannot provide.

Mark 10:18-23 -this young ruler was honest but only lacked one thing and because Jesus "loved him", He had to tell him the truth= He had a bondage to $ and did not have a giving spirit.

common misconception - in order to love God, you had to be poor.
If so, then Jesus would have failed this test!
Jesus was rich!

♥ God wants us to be rich without sorrow, to be givers not hoarders!
♥ God is NOT against YOU having MONEY but MONEY having YOU.

Mark 10:24-26 - " hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God! "
TWICE, the Bible says that the disciples were shocked. WHY?
because they were rich themselves! eg. Peter- fishing business.

Mark 10:27 - With man, by our own human strength, it will be impossible for us to be wealthy and spiritual at the same time.

Mark 10:28-30 - When is the time?? the answer is NOW, while you live your live on this earth!

Which leads to the point of guarding our hearts
♥ :: we have to begin thinking of God thoughts about our lives.

Second --> BELIEVING
In Hebrews 11 -- the many "By faith..."
To believe is to make a decision,a commitment.

♥ Between OURSELVES and our VISION/DESTINY , there is an icy wall in which ONLY through PASSIONATE PRAYER , then it can be broken.

Learning from Yoido Full Gospel church in Korea, we can understand the reason for their economically successful country- that is through daily PRAYERS.

Mattew 7:7 - to have victory in the 4th Dimension, we have to constantly pray and seek God.

Third --> DREAMING
The Holy Spirit= the realm of the invisible; imaginations.

Genesis 13:14-15, Genesis 15:3,5
God wanted to Abraham to VISUALIZE; for if you can SEE it, you can have it.

♥ Abraham felt discouraged but each time he counted, his faith would begin to arise.
♥ think it, pray it, visualize it.

Before we had our miracle building in Jurong West, as Pastor Kong shared, he had to first visualize the colour of the curtains, seats, people getting saved each week etc. There is power in dreaming and imagining.

Forth --> SPEAKING
This is to release the Power of the 4th dimension.
Heb 11:3 "...and the word became flesh..."
Mark 11:23 - What is YOUR mountain today? Is it sickness? lack of opportunity? open doors? failing business?

you SPEAK to remove it!

this is to confess the Rhema* of God into existence!

*rhema means God's word for a specific situation.

To end of,
Can we start thinking about how God can prosper our church and lives?
show our belief by praying and confessing!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{3:18 PM|

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Journey through this phase of my life @ |{11:29 PM|

Welcome Candice !

A grand welcome to Candice Tay!
Our new member from the Children Church, who lives sooo near debbie!
E267 LOVES you. :)
Let your walk of faith begin from here!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{9:42 PM|


Date: 27 October '07, after service.
Venue: Tampines

Subway, then to Starbucks.

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{9:10 PM|

The 6 Laws of Harvest (PART 1)

Thursday, October 25, 2007


24th OCT 2007


GOD gives us laws to succeed in life.

Gen 8:22
"The Earth will remain"= God will not destroy the Earth again.

God wants us to be successful, but he will not spoon feed us, instead he gives us the law of sowing and reaping.

Luke 6:38
Gal 6:7-8
Eph 6:8
All three verses tells us about the law: "If we sow, we will also reap"


1. Your seed must be planted.
Ecc 3:2

Before we pluck our seed, our seed must be firmly planted into the ground.

John 12:24

2. You must render your seed useless.

John 12:24

The seed must die( become useless to you) to produce harvest.

eg. If a church member sows his seed for status, he is controlling the seed and is therefore not rendering the seed useless. One must sow without any strings attached- (buying influence in church/promotion or privileges).

3. Expect to harvest what you have planted.

eg. if you sow Apple seeds you will get-> Apples
Hardwork -> Promotions
Hardwork + Diligence -> Results

GOD is practical.
We have eternal laws to follow.
The laws are similar to the law of gravity. Work with it to succeed in life. We cannot go against it.

4. The size of your harvest is determined by the seed you sow.
2Cor 9:6

Why must we be concerned about the size of our harvest?
Because it is not for ourselves, but for the blessing of others.
Lets not have a "Just enough" mindset, think of abundance and bless others too!

We are blessed to be a blessing!

5. Your seed must be planted on the right ground.
Matt 13:8

But first, like farmers, before you sow, you have to check the grounds!
before you sow into a church; you must check/ question yourself:

a. Are the members in the church bearing fruits?
b. Is the church making an impact in society?
c. Is there genuine repentance within the members of the church?
d. Is there spiritual discipline in the church?

6. Wait for the harvest to come.
Mark 4:26-29;

"...first the blade; then the head, after that the full grain in the head...the grain ripens..."

There is a time lapse determined by GOD; a process which requires patience!

Gal 6:9 - Guard your heart and mind. Do not allow your mind to entertain negative thoughts, neither should you confess negatively!


i'm still not able to complete the bible study data collection.
-SHi LUN(:

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{1:25 AM|


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hi, I'm encouraged by this... here it goes:

' For with God nothing is impossible' - Luke 1:37

If you only do what you can do, then you're only ever going to do what you can do!
But, if you start to do what you cannot do, you'll find you can do what you cannot do.
And what you absolutely cannot do, God will do, or a team of incredible people will, who are attracted to the person attempting to do what they cannot do.
Don't imagine that God will ask you to do what you can do!
He asks you to do what you can't do.
Then you'll need Him to do it!
But you're the one who starts the impossible dream.
No-one, not even God, gets inspired by the mediocre.
Attempt the impossible, ignore the critics, attract the best, accomplish the unbelievable!

By pastor Phil ( The leadership file)


Journey through this phase of my life @ |{11:44 PM|

Making a Difference!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Today's word!
Speaker: Pastor Tan
Date: 20th October 2007

It is shown in Luke 5:1-3,10,12,18,27-32 (reference) that Jesus is compassionate as He identifies Himself with fallen humanity.
Jesus could have stayed in the comfort of heaven, but he did not.
To be a fisher of men requires RISKS! - you need to launch out into the deep.

Roof-Top Syndrome Acts 10:19-20 -
It takes the work of the Holy Spirit to move the people.

In the world, there's Income Gap and Wealth Disparity.
In the church, there's Spiritual Gap & Love Disparity:
We become so spiritually strong, we forget about helping and looking out for those who are spiritually weaker and those whose needs have yet to be met. Jesus took risks so that he could identify Himself with the sinners, and yet not compromise (His faith) while indulging actively with them.

Many of us are so caught up and occupied with spiritual things that we have forgotten all about stepping into this fallen humanity we're living in to meet the needs of people. It's possible to have the right weapons in the wrong battlefield.

We are the 'skin' that carries the presence of God wherever we go.
Jesus was not against people, but against principalities and powers!

The bible teaches us to :

  1. Be hospitable to one another; without grumbling.1 Peter 4:9
  2. Care for one another 1 Cor 12:25
  3. Pray for one another; do not ignore each others needs. James 5:16
  4. Restore one another James 5:19-26
  5. Teach and admonish one another (Don't condemn one another!) Col 3:16
  6. Serve one another with love
A life that loves God whole-heartedly and loves people fervently.
Star Thrower story, click the link below:

Individuals can make a difference.
A passion for compassion for a world without vision.

The 3 Generations in Singapore:
1st- industrialization; fish village to modernity.
2nd- tourisms, services and financial matters.
3rd- Social Entrepreneurs.

We can have compassionate capitalism; following the example of our church members owning vHive- giving needy families furnitures.
and as students we can learn from the story of Mark and Bill yea?
It is important to Find a need and meet it, find a hurt and heal it.

Let's be star throwers and start making a difference to the 21st Century!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{1:31 AM|

Thursday, October 18, 2007

as your very nice and very responsible bible study coordinator, im here to make an important announcement &&according to auntie debbie, im supposed to make this colorful-.-
okay, back to business. Pls pass me the following information on SAT or else i will drive u nuts about it :D
1. What bible study book and lesson have you stopped at, and have you taken your quiz?
2. Details of your next bible study lesson(teacher, venue, time & date)
3. Have you attended CIC class. (for your info, it stands for CHURCH INTRODUCTORY CLASS-.-)
4. If you have NOT started on bible study classes, please REPENT, please sign up for bible study class with me this saturday.. and being the very nice person i am, i will find arrange a class for you to start your bible study asap.. let's get grounded with the word of God!

well, thats about it, and i will help u all post ur bible study timings on the blog to remind u all(:
-shilun :D

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{9:48 PM|


Hello and attention to all E267 members. :D
This is everybody's new ministries , yup!

Monetary/Treasurers/Tax Collectors - Jasmine, Leon
(collect cell group funds monthly, manage finances in the cg)

Study Ministry - Jialin, Aijia, Shilun
(collect study hours from all students weekly, organise study outings etc.)

Bible Study - Shilun, Alex
(collect bible studies from each member regularly etc.)

IT - Jonathan, Brendan, Claudia, Leon
(in charge of all online stuff e.g. blog, printing out of songsheets)

Runners - Qian Jun, Leon, Jasmine, Meijun
(running for seats for church svcs)

New Ministries

"Love"/Caretakers - Jessica, Meijun, Eric, Tp
(spread & show the love of Christ to fellow members e.g.
birthday cards, presents, home visitations, giving/making gifts for new members etc.)

Fitness Ministry - Leon, Mingyang
(take care of members' eating habits, health-related issues in the cg etc.)

Prayer Warriors - Tp, Chenxi
(making sure members do their quiet time, organise prayer conferences, prayer focus for cgms etc.)

Fellowshippers - Debbie, Jialin
(help to think of ideal places to fellowship after svc or cgm, organise exciting outings once a month etc.)

Note: Please help suggest nicer names for these ministries, like the first one Tax Collectors ( :

Let us start committing to our new ministries and do as much as we can in these areas!
We can each play a HUGE role and part in the cg
Thus let's have the spirit of Excellence
as we start to serve faithfully
starting nowwwwwww

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{6:11 PM|


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

photos from the Sushi outing.

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{2:53 PM|


About The history Makers

    E267 is A Group of youth that is on FIRE and PASSIONATE for the things of GOD. We welcome all of you to join this wonderful group of loving people


Please Bring your Cell Group funds!

Cell Group meeting as usual!

New Bible Study classes is up! Please let Jialin know if you need new class.



Shilin: 13 Dec
Jasmine: 22 Aug
Eric: 9 June
Leon: 21 July
Melissa: 3 dec
Meijun: 24 Jan
Jon: 13 Oct
Ming yang: 11 Jan
Lucas: 18 Oct
Candice: 19 dec
Tingya: 26 july
Suki:7 june
Melo: 30 Nov
Eugene: 7 Sep

[[ Awesome Ones ]]

Candice Tay

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Pastor kong

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E141 & W466

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