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Why shoud we be fit?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Badminton Session on Sunday (6 March)

Time: 2pm onwards

Venue: Tampines Badminton Courts

Guys, I really do want to encourage all to engage in this physical program that the biggest loser ministry people have been organizing. They are very concerned about our health.

why is it important to keep fit?

1 Cor 6: 19-20
Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your bodyc]">[c] and in your spirit, which are God’s.

We are having all these program not so much to focus on getting slimmer.. which most of us need hehehhe... But is keeping fit for God.

In the bible it said that we were brought at a price ( Jesus sacrificing His life). Therefore we should glorify God in our body. how? by keeping fit to serve God, by not falling sick so easily. When we serve God in the different area of our ministry, we wont get tired so easily. Cause we have been working out. So E267, keep this in mind that we are doing all these not to slim down. but to be fit enough to Serve the Lord.

For example:

  • Bible Study Teachers: You need the stamina to preach throughout the one or two hour to your students.
  • Guitarists and future guitarists: you need to stamina to play throughout the cg.
  • Children Church Teachers: You need to not be tired so easily by taking care of the kids
  • Security: I know you all have been running 5km. So Eric dun need to push you to do it
  • Usher: You need to strength to carry and transport things.
Yes, I know some of us will said " Pray la.. the strength will come" isn't it better when you are fit in your physical body and you have the strength of God as well? double up your stamina and strength in your serving right??

So... lets work together to be fit for GOD!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{9:31 PM|


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hi people, for the benefit of those not sure where Jialin have gone to.. hehee. Jialin have went to Vietnam for her 4 months of Internship there. She is in this Resort called Song Be Golf Resort. Check out the website of the Resort.
This resort is actually run by two of our city harvest members. She is really having fun over there. She is able to watch our live service online with her managers. They have cell group over there too..

I was saying that you guys are able to catch jialin on msn 12am yesterday. My apology because i think there are some problem with her connection so unble to chat with her. Anyway, she will always be online every single day so just catch her and chat with her anytime k?

This is the fun moment she had! Dun worry people, Jialin is doing very good over there!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{12:05 PM|

Ministry of E267

Monday, September 7, 2009

Ministry For E267

Law&Order: Jasmine, Leon

A.K.A the ‘cell group fund’, this ministry serves the cell group by managing the finances of the cell group. They collect money on a monthly basis and are used to celebrate our birthdays and at times for refreshments.

Freedom Writers: Eric, Eugene Teo

A.K.A the “study hours coordinators”, which ensures that every student fulfils their weekly targeted number of hours. Study hours are collected on a weekly basis to ensure that all students study hard and shine for God!

God’s Army or Evan Almighty: Jialin, Tingya

A.K.A the “bible study coordinators”, to empower every member with the Word of God, this ministry plans for the members in the cell group to attend bible study classes.

The Simpsons: Leon, Jasmine, Melissa, Tingya

A.K.A the “Greeters” of the cell group, this ministry is made of friendly and very approachable members who greet the new comers in the cell group. They ensure that all the friends feel warmly welcomed into our cell group

Ironman: Lucas, Candice Tay Ezekiel, Eugene Teo, Jasmine

A.K.A the “runners” who queues up before every service and ensures that the cell group gets the best seats in the hall.

Eagle Eye: Jonathan, Ming yang

A.K.A the “IT crew” which updates the blog of the cell group and creates the song sheets for cell every week!

The ‘Birthday’ Planners: MeiJun, Tingya, Lucas, Suki, Candice, Mingyang

A.K.A the “birthday coordinator”, who does the honor by organizing the celebration of the birthdays of members by blessing them with gifts and cards.

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{10:17 AM|

We are called to fellowship

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

On29 Aug 2009, E267 have a great time fellowshiping! Headed to katong to eat and den to parkway area to have a cup of bubble tea! Some of the pictures we took:

Different individuals at there

we are called to fellowship!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{7:37 PM|

Welcome back

Monday, August 10, 2009

Welcome Back Low Meijun!!!!

We miss you.. and great to have you back with us

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{12:33 AM|


Sunday, July 26, 2009


1. Event: Overnight PM
Venue: Riverwalk
Date: 30 July, 2009

2. Event: City Harvest Church 20th Anniversary
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium
Time: 9am-130pm
Date: 1 August 2009, Sunday

3. Event: Festival of Praise
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium
Time: 730pm onwards
Date: Friday to Sunday

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{2:48 PM|



E267 want to wish Leon and Tingya a very big Happy birthday to you!
Keep growing in the Lord.. And Soar like eagles !! hehehe..
E267 Loves you!!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{2:09 PM|

Sun is on 8days

Friday, June 5, 2009

SUN is on 8days!
9pages of interview with her..
She talks about her life, aspiration and more!
Get your copies:)

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{10:14 AM|


YO People!!!

A Time of fellowship at Royal Seafood after service this sat~~
It's going to be GREAT!!!! GOOD FOOD! GOOD PRICE!!!! YO!!

Calling out all 19 years and above! A time of overnight cycling after Royal Seafood!
It's going to be fun!
SEE ya there!

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{10:01 AM|

E267 will miss YOU

Monday, June 1, 2009

On 30 May 2009, there was changes in Shilin's three cell groups.
From E267, there are four people who have transferred out to go over to various cg to help out.
The people are Cihui, Chef Tanpeng, Debbie and Ryan.
It was really an emotional moment where E267 members began to see these people that have been together for years is been transferred out to a place where God wants them to be.

E267 would like to say "we will miss you"
And thanks for all the laughter and joy you have brought in this cg.
We appreciated it :)
Keep growing in the place where God placed you to be

Different cg but FRIENDSHIP is strong:)

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{12:13 AM|


About The history Makers

    E267 is A Group of youth that is on FIRE and PASSIONATE for the things of GOD. We welcome all of you to join this wonderful group of loving people


Please Bring your Cell Group funds!

Cell Group meeting as usual!

New Bible Study classes is up! Please let Jialin know if you need new class.



Shilin: 13 Dec
Jasmine: 22 Aug
Eric: 9 June
Leon: 21 July
Melissa: 3 dec
Meijun: 24 Jan
Jon: 13 Oct
Ming yang: 11 Jan
Lucas: 18 Oct
Candice: 19 dec
Tingya: 26 july
Suki:7 june
Melo: 30 Nov
Eugene: 7 Sep

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